
Friday, February 29, 2008


Wedding pics! Lol, still more to come. So nice to look at. TFL!=)

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


eugene and elaine

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

pls choose

Hi Ate Lenlie, any of these two?

Monday, February 25, 2008

a cellphone story

For about a year, I was off the cp wagon. I was content using my inay's basic Nokia 3120, ahm, not even sure if that's the model. One thing is sure, it's not that nice.

My first handphone was a Nokia3210, had it when I was in hmmm, was that 2nd yr or third year college, not too sure. And then after that, I traded it with my itay's 3310, and then a 5210, and then traded with itay again for a 6100. And then bought a secondhand 7650.

About 2 years ago, Feb. 14 to be exact, my handbag was snatched. Oh yes, I was a victim of 'tandem.' Not sure if that is how they are known but these motorcycle-riding crooks were notorious. Here's the long story, well, I worked in a call center and was of course on night shift. I was supposed to ride Lrt1 and then transfer to Lrt2 and walk along the Mega Strip. But inay was watching the news and saw the the bus bombing update in, ah, not sure if it was in Araneta, but it was the Valentine's day bombing. So she called me and told me to change my route, so I did. I walked on the other street and waited for a jeepney, but sensing that it is more dangerous for me to wait for an FX taxi in Recto, I opted to walk and head to the Lrt1 station. Then zoom, after seeing the pares eateries, I realized I was being dragged. And then I saw feet running towards my face. I was lying on my stomach in the middle of the street, people ran towards me, they helped me to stand up. I heard one saying that they would be bringing me to a hospital. I said no, I'm ok, I then somehow touched the top of my head and felt a woound, it was deep. I felt dizzy. I asked for the good people around me to fetch my inay at home before going to the emergency room, told them I only live around the block. Wouldn't be telling how hysterical she was 'coz that will only make this story longer, but I would never forget how she reacted. Anyway, it was my first surgical stitch. I still managed to let my team know that I wouldn't be reporting for work anytime soon. Mind you, a nurse was cutting my hair around the wound area and injecting anesthesia while making the call. As scary as the incident was the washing of my hair, I can't wash my hair while the wound is fresh. And the trauma, oh my, I always have to look back whenever I hear a motorcycle. I feel very very agitated and unsafe.

What items were inside my handbag? Well, the pink monkey keychain, IDs, a purse I had since college, a new Maybelline foundation- still with the protective film, a lipgloss, and my Nokia 6600. I worked hard for it. It costed me around 23K. It was sad. My parents must've felt sorry for me, itay sent me a new one, a Nokia 6260. After that fliptop phone, itay again handed me his N73 and gave the 6260 to Jut. And then I grew tired, traded with Jut and got the basic phone.

With the basic phone, a Nokia model-i-do-not-know, I don't text much. I am on prepaid but I dont load it up. Euge complained that he always gets worried, he doesn't have any means of reaching me. There was a time when I wasn't home until 11pm and he has no way of knowing where I was, Sheila just informed him that we took separate buses from Yishun Interchange. He has consistently bugged me to get a phone, bribed me to get a phone that I want. No phone caught my attention. So I just got this one. lol
themes from

Sunday, February 24, 2008


These pics were taken during Kuya Mikee's and Ate Candice's wedding in Caleruega, Batangas last Feb 09. Eugene and I also considered this location... for its breathtaking views. Check out one pic: And these is us at the wedding. Did my makeup, hehehe. And look, two of a kind! Faux pas! Sorry Ate Icel, also needed to change into the same dress.

Friday, February 22, 2008


i'm such an addict. with what? with whatever. i spend hours infront of the computer, i doodle with ps, i buy an item once but the aftershock is numerous... i crave for more.

~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.

right? right.